
martes, 28 de enero de 2014

Embarazo de alto riesgo/High risk pregnancy

Embarazo con comorbilidades: Aspectos anestésicos durante cirugía

Pregnancy with co-morbidities: Anesthetic aspects during operative intervention.
Bajwa SS, Bajwa SK, Ghuman GS.
Anesth Essays Res [serial online] 2013 [cited 2013 Dec 21];7:294-301.
The presence of co-morbidities during pregnancy can pose numerous challenges to the attending anesthesiologists during operative deliveries or during the provision of labor analgesia services. The presence of cardiac diseases, endocrinological disorders, respiratory diseases, renal pathologies, hepatic dysfunction, anemia, neurological and musculoskeletal disorders, connective tissue diseases and many others not only influence the obstetric outcome, but can significantly impact the anesthetic technique. The choice of anesthesia during the pregnancy depends upon the type of surgery, the period of gestation, the site of surgery, general condition of patient and so on. Whatever, the anesthetic technique is chosen the methodology should be based on evidentially supported literature and the clinical judgment of the attending anesthesiologist. The list of co-morbid diseases is unending. However, the present review describes the common co-morbidities encountered during pregnancy and their anesthetic management during operative deliveries.
Keywords: Anemia, anesthesia, asthma, cardiac diseases, critically ill, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy


Anestesia regional en pacientes con hipertensión arterial inducida por el embarazo

Regional anesthesia in patients with pregnancy induced hypertension .
Ankichetty SP, Chin KJ, Chan VW, Sahajanandan R, Tan H, Grewal A, Perlas A.
J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol [serial online] 2013 [cited 2013 Dec 21];29:435-44.
Pregnancy induced hypertension is a hypertensive disorder, which occurs in 5% to 7% of all pregnancies. These parturients present to the labour and delivery unit ranging from gestational hypertension to HELLP syndrome. It is essential to understand the various clinical conditions that may mimic preeclampsia and the urgency of cesarean delivery, which may improve perinatal outcome. The administration of general anesthesia (GA) increases morbidity and mortality in both mother and baby. The provision of regional anesthesia when possible maintains uteroplacental blood flow, avoids the complications with GA, improves maternal and neonatal outcome. The use of ultrasound may increase the success rate. This review emphasizes on the regional anesthetic considerations when such parturients present to the labor and delivery unit.
Keywords: Anesthesia, hypertension, pregnancy, regional


Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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