
martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

Complicaciones de raquia/Spinal anesthesia complications

Cefalea postpunción espinal, un problema viejo y conceptos nuevos: revisión de artículos y factores predisponentes

Post spinal puncture headache, an old problem and new concepts: review of articles about predisposing factors.
Jabbari A, Alijanpour E, Mir M, Bani Hashem N, Rabiea SM, Rupani MA.
Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran.
Caspian J Intern Med. 2013 Winter;4(1):595-602.
Post spinal puncture headache (PSPH) is a well known complication of spinal anesthesia. It occurs after spinal anesthesia induction due to dural and arachnoid puncture and has a significant effect on the patient's postoperative well being. This manuscript is based on an observational study that runs on Babol University of Medical Sciences and review of literatures about current concepts about the incidence, risk factors and predisposing factors of post spinal puncture headache. The overall incidence of post-dural puncture headache after intentional dural puncture varies form 0.1-36%, while it is about 3.1% by atraumatic spinal needle 25G Whitacre. 25G Quincke needle with a medium bevel cutting is popular with widespread use and the incidence of PSPH is about 25%, but its incidence obtained 17.3% by spinal needle 25G Quincke in our observation. The association of predisposing factors like female, young age, pregnancy, low body mass index, multiple dural puncture, inexpert operators and past medical history of chronic headache, expose the patient to PSPH. The identification of factors that predict the likelihood of PSPH is important so that measures can be taken to minimize this painful complication resulting from spinal anesthesia.
KEYWORDS: Headache, Post spinal puncture headache (PSPH), Risk factors, Spinal anesthesia, Treatment


Hematoma espinal subaracnoideo después de anestesia raquídea

Spinal subarachnoid hematoma after spinal anesthesia.
Jeon SB, Ham TI, Kang MS, Shim HY, Park SL.
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, National Police Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
Korean J Anesthesiol. 2013 Apr;64(4):388-9. doi: 10.4097/kjae.2013.64.4.388.

Moen et al. reported that spinal hematoma occurred in 8 out of 1,260,000 cases of spinal anesthesia in Sweden, and subarachnoid hematoma is known to be very rare. We report a case of subarachnoid hematoma after spinal anesthesia in a patient without coagulopathy....


Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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