
miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

Top 100 Websites for Academics and Research Students ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

Top 100 Websites for Academics and Research Students ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

Being a graduate student makes your life ridiculously busy. On top of the work you do to feed yourself and pay your bills, you have stacks of piled books and PDF readings waiting you at home. I personally consider my situation advantageous since I have no other responsibilities (particularly family ones as I am living alone) to take care of except my work, studies and writing in this blog. Still sometimes I wish the day is 35 hours long to give me time to finish my assignments and scheduled readings, I wonder how those of you who are married and have kids , how do you balance your graduate studies, work and family? This is an equation I can never understand.

I do receive several emails from people doing their graduate studies asking for certain recommendations and I do my best to help when I can. I particularly try to provide tips on how to leverage the power of technology for academic and scholarly purposes. Some of these tips are included in the following posts:

10 Must Have Academic Twitter Hashtags
10 Great Tools for Academic Research You Should Know About
6 Great Mendeley Academic Groups for Students and Teachers
Today I am sharing this great digital resource packed full of academic websites. These websites are the best resources available online to those who need to buckle down and finish a Master’s Thesis or Doctoral Dissertation. I invite you to check the top 100 academic websites page to learn more. Please share with your colleagues, they will definitely thank you for it.

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