
lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

Comprendiendo las lesiones cardíacas por contusión

Comprendiendo las lesiones cardíacas por contusión

Understanding traumatic blunt cardiac injury.
El-Menyar A, Al Thani H, Zarour A, Latifi R.
Department of Surgery, Section of Trauma Surgery, Hamad Medical Corporation; Department of Clinical Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical School, Doha, Qatar.
Ann Card Anaesth. 2012 Oct;15(4):287-95. doi: 10.4103/0971-9784.101875.
Cardiac injuries are classified as blunt and penetrating injuries. In both the injuries, the major issue is missing the diagnosis and high mortality. Blunt cardiac injuries (BCI) are much more common than penetrating injuries. Aiming at a better understanding of BCI, we searched the literature from January 1847 to January 2012 by using MEDLINE and EMBASE search engines. Using the key word "Blunt Cardiac Injury," we found 1814 articles; out of which 716 articles were relevant. Herein, we review the causes, diagnosis, and management of BCI. In conclusion, traumatic cardiac injury is a major challenge in critical trauma care, but the guidelines are lacking. A high index of suspicion, application of current diagnostic protocols, and prompt and appropriate management is mandatory.


Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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