
sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2012

Magnesio sérico. Biomarcador de riesgo cardiovascular

Magnesio sérico; ¿Biomarcador del riesgo cardiovascular revisado?

Serum magnesium: a biomarker of cardiovascular risk revisited?
Del Gobbo LC, Elin RJ, Poirier P, Egeland GM.
Magnes Res. 2012 Jul 1;25(2):49-53.

Magnesium (Mg) is integral for modulation of vascular tone and cardiac electrophysiology. The sodium potassium pump, which regulates ion currents across the cell membrane, is among the over 300 enzyme systems Mg activates [1]. Mg blocks slow inward calcium currents and prolongs atrioventricular conduction [2]; myocardial Mg insufficiency decreases intracellular potassium, which increases susceptibility to arrhythmias [3-5]. Two randomized, controlled, double-blind, dietary Mg depletion studies that reduced the Mg intake of postmenopausal women to 33-50% of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for Mg, in diets not considered atypical Western menus, reported supraventricular ectopy, flutter and atrial fibrillation in some participants [6, 7]. Since calcium, potassium, copper and other nutrients were supplemented during the Mg depletion phase [6], and arrhythmias were relieved by Mg supplementation, this work suggests that inadequate Mg intake can be arrhythmogenic. The following commentary reviews serum Mg (sMg) as a biomarker of Mg status and intake, and argues that sMg may best be characterised at present, as a biomarker of cardiovascular risk.


Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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