
jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012

Sedación en UCI con infusión de haloperidol-propofol versus midazolam-propofol después de cirugía coronaria. Estudio prospectivo, aleatorizado y doble ciego.

Sedación en UCI con infusión de haloperidol-propofol versus midazolam-propofol después de cirugía coronaria. Estudio prospectivo, aleatorizado y doble ciego.

ICU sedation with haloperidol-propofol infusion versus midazolam-propofol infusion after coronary artery bypass graft surgery: A prospective, double-blind randomized study.
Etezadi F, Najafi A, Yarandi KK, Moharari RS, Khajavi MR.
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Ann Card Anaesth. 2012 Jul;15(3):185-9.
Combinations of hypnotics with or without opiates are commonly used in agitated patients. We hypothesized that combination of haloperidol-propofol in comparison with midazolam-propofol would lower consumption of propofol and lead to better hemodynamic and respiratory profile during sedation of agitated patients. Among 108 patients admitted in our ICU, 60 patients were agitated according to Ramsay Sedation Score (RSS) and randomly divided into two groups. Morphine sulfate (0.05 mg/kg) was administered to all patients for relief of postoperative pain. In one group, sedative infusion was started with 1 mg/h of haloperidol plus 25 μg/kg/min of propofol after bolus injection of 2 mg haloperidol. In the other group, midazolam1 mg/h and propofol 25 μg/kg/min were infused after a bolus injection of 2 mg midazolam. Propofol infusion was adjusted to keep bi-spectral index between 61-80 and the RSS between 3-5. Hourly propofol consumption was recorded during 24 h of sedation and compared statistically. We also compared SpO 2 , arterial blood gas variables, hemodynamic parameters and episodes of respiratory depression (SpO 2 ≤85%) requiring respiratory support between the groups. Haloperidol, when added to propofol infusion, decreased its consumption at all the measured times (P = 0.001). There was no significant difference in hemodynamic variables between two groups, but the episodes of respiratory depression was significantly higher in propofol-midazolam group (P = 0.02). We conclude that haloperidol-propofol infusion decreases propofol requirements in the agitated patients. Besides, this combination showed a better profile in terms of occurrence of respiratory depression.


Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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