
domingo, 1 de julio de 2012

El sol es el límite

El sol es el límite
The Sun's the limit.
Cui D.
Young Scientists J [serial online] 2012 [cited 2012 Jun 29];5:6-10.

Many scientists are employed to research into novel ways to generate energy for human use since fossil fuels - currently the main source of energy - are a finite resource. One of the most promising fields is solar energy, as the Sun is a very reliable source. It is also a very 'clean' source, as no greenhouse gases are released during the generation of energy, and less destruction of unused land is required compared to many other renewable resources. However, photovoltaic cells are expensive and do not have very high energy conversion ratios at the moment. Ongoing research includes finding materials to make the cells cheaper, and the use of organic semiconductors, which present various advantages.
The Sun has been, and always will be, the Earth's largest energy reservoir-it powers every living system, from plant photosynthesis to every node of the food web. Humans, like all other organisms, depend on sunlight. Early humanity treasured the Sun's existence, using its energy as instruments of religious rituals, fire, and war. By the rise of modern civilizations, however, Sun power has been virtually pushed off the energy spectrum. As modern civilizations improved standards of living, the demand for energy increased. This rise in demand has largely been met with fossil fuels. Technologies were developed to locate and extract these resources from the earth and mass infrastructure was built to process and distribute these energies. Figure 1 shows the estimated energy usage by source in the United States in 2009. 83% of the yearly energy consumption in the U.S. is derived from petroleum, coal, and natural gas, while only 8% is supplied by renewable energy. It should be noted that solar energy accounts for only 0.08%, an insignificant amount, of the total United States' energy pie

¿Pueden la ciencia y la religión trabajar juntas mientras una descansa en evidencias y la otra en la fé? 
Can science and religion work together while one relies on evidence and the other on faith?.
Bruce CS
Young Scientists J [serial online] 2012 [cited 2012 Jun 29];5:31-3.
Science and religion - Are they really incompatible? Some famous scientists, such as John Polkinghorne, have been highly religious, others such as Albert Einstein have offered varied and complex views on religion, and then there are those, like Richard Dawkins, who can only criticize it. Why is it that such great minds do not think alike? Perhaps science and religion just offer different perspectives on life - the objective evidence against the subjective faith - but when Big Bang theory and any one of the creation stories collide, is there, and will there ever be, an outright winner? Or do science and religion merge to become indistinguishable? This article aims to help to clarify the situation.


Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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