
lunes, 2 de julio de 2012

200 años del NEJM

Una guía para el lector a 200 años del New England Journal of Medicine
200th anniversary article
A Reader's Guide to 200 Years of the New England Journal of Medicine
Allan M. Brandt, Ph.D.

Observaciones sobre la angina de pecho
Remarks on Angina Pectoris
The New England J of Medicine and Surgery 1812;1:1-11.
In our inquiries into any particular subject of Medicine, our labours will generally be shortened and directed to their proper objects, by a knowledge of preceding discoveries. When Dr. Heberden, in the London Medical Transactions, first described a disease under the name of Angina Pectoris, so little had it attracted the attention of physicians, that much surprise
was excited by the communication. From the most striking and distressing symptoms, with which it was attended, pain and stricture about the breast, it received from him its denomination; and he soon after published farther remarks on this subject, with the history of a case and appearances on dissection.
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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