
sábado, 12 de mayo de 2012

Complicaciones en anestesia obstétrica

Complicaciones de la anestesia regional y general en la práctica obstétrica
Complications of regional and general anaesthesia in obstetric practice.
Jadon A.
Department of Anaesthesia, Tata Motors Hospital, Jamshedpur, India.
Indian J Anaesth. 2010 Sep;54(5):415-20.Abstract
Any anaesthetic technique, either regional or general, has potential for complications. Moreover, it has been seen that in obstetric patients, the complications are potentiated due to pregnancy-related changes in physiology and due to various other factors. Increasing trend of caesarean section in the setting of increasing maternal age, obesity and other concomitant diseases will continue to challenge the obstetric anaesthetist in his/her task of providing safe regional and general anaesthesia. This review has highlighted the possible complications of regional and general anaesthesia encountered during the obstetric anaesthesia practice.
Complicaciones Neurológicas en la Paciente Obstétrica Sometida a Anestesia Neuroaxial
Dr. Víctor M. Whizar-Lugo, Dr. Juan C. Flores-Carrillo, Enf. Griselda Puerta-Román
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor
Las complicaciones neurológicas de la anestesia neuroaxial nacieron el 16 de agosto de 1898, día en que August Karl Gustav Bier realizó su primer anestesia raquídea; el paciente desarrolló cefalea post punción lumbar (CPPD) a las pocas horas de que Bier le hubiera inyectado 15 mg de cocaína al 0.5% a través de un trocar 14. Bier y su colaborador August Hildenbrandt también sufrieron de esta complicación neurológica al puncionarse el espacio subaracnoideo lumbar uno al otro. La CPPD es la complicación más frecuente de la anestesia neuroaxial y su mecanismo
y tratamiento continúan siendo una controversia no resuelta. Las complicaciones de la anestesia neuroaxial evolucionaron a la par de esta modalidad anestésica y se fueron haciendo más evidentes, de tal manera que en la segunda mitad del siglo XX los clínicos y los investigadores iniciaron una pléyade de estudios encaminados a desarrollar anestésicos locales más ......

Parturienta con obesidad mórbida: retos para el anestesiólogo, incluyendo el manejo de la vía aérea difícil. ¿Qué hay de nuevo? 
Morbidly obese parturient: Challenges for the anaesthesiologist, including managing the difficult airway in obstetrics. What is new?
Rao DP, Rao VA.
Department of Anaesthesiology, Siddhartha Medical College, Government General Hospital, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Vijayawada, India.
Indian J Anaesth. 2010 Nov;54(6):508-21.
The purpose of this article is to review the fundamental aspects of obesity, pregnancy and a combination of both. The scientific aim is to understand the physiological changes, pathological clinical presentations and application of technical skills and pharmacological knowledge on this unique clinical condition. The goal of this presentation is to define the difficult airway, highlight the main reasons for difficult or failed intubation and propose a practical approach to management Throughout the review, an important component is the necessity for team work between the anaesthesiologist and the obstetrician. Certain protocols are recommended to meet the anaesthetic challenges and finally concluding with "what is new?" in obstetric anaesthesia.
Dr. Benito Cortes-Blanco
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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