
miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

50 Fascinating Edupreneurs

50 Fascinating Edupreneurs

There’s something about an edupreneur (you know, an entrepreneur in the education sector). It’s one thing to have all that extraordinary drive, innovation and passion for creating a business—this moves our economy forward. But combine that with an area of existence so vital it’s nearly synonymous with changing lives—education—and now you’re talking real power. So, what kind of person does it take to deliver the goods? In no particular order, assembled here are 5o fascinating ‘edupreneurs’—people as passionate about their businesses as they are about their purpose in helping future generations thrive.
Editor’s Note: In assembling this feature, we are inviting you to meet us half way. We’ve selected 25—now, who are your picks? Send us a reason and a link, that is, a one-sentence reason to include them and a link to something relevant about them. Heck, even suggest yourself to our list. Check back often as we continue our tally and eventually close it out—at least for now. Write to: victor@edtechdigest.com
Ji Shen | for stimulating curiosity
Ellen Siminoff | for helping us fall in love with literature
Melissa Pickering | for allowing participation
Elizabeth Schmidt | because she makes wishes come true
Sarah White | for keeping things rolling
Andrew Grauer | because he listens to his customers
Robert Romano | for inspiring higher levels of thinking
Andrew Sutherland | for making studying easier
Alex Rappaport | because he’s motivating students
Nikki Navta | for preparing students to become enlightened world citizens
Jonathan Mann | for meeting teachers where they’re at and helping them forward
Shantanu Bala | for providing an easy solution to a common problem
Jim Fruchterman | because he likes to share with everyone
Mark Gross | for becoming a teacher and letting everyone in on a great class project
Sandy Khaund | for wanting to help others change their station in life
Sharon Lowe | for being a caring mom to more than just her own kids
Nic Borg | for listening to teachers
Paul Edelman | for paying teachers millions of dollars
Josh Salcman | for opening up and being a helpful nerd
Farb Nivi | because he wants others to really get it
Felipe Sommer | because he saw a possibility and made a new reality
Becky Splitt | for liking smoothies and having fun
Shawn Bay | for making sense of all that data
Berj Akian | because four women keep him in check as a great leader
Murugan Pal | for engineering a better way

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