
sábado, 10 de marzo de 2012

Terapia con células madre

Terapia con células madre: Una modalidad de tratamiento novedosa y futurista para las lesiones por desastres
Stem cell therapy: A novel & futuristic treatment modality for disaster injuries
Gurudutta GU, Satija NK, Singh VK, Verma YK, Gupta P, Tripathi RP.
Indian J Med Res [serial online] 2012 [cited 2012 Mar 1];135:15-25.  
Stem cell therapy hold the potential to meet the demand for transplant cells/tissues needed for treating damages resulting from both natural and man-made disasters. Pluripotency makes embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells ideal for use, but their teratogenic character is a major hindrance. Therapeutic benefits of bone marrow transplantation are well known but characterizing the potentialities of haematopoietic and mesenchymal cells is essential. Haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) have been used for treating both haematopoietic and non-haematopoietic disorders. Ease of isolation, in vitro expansion, and hypoimmunogenecity have brought mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) into limelight. Though differentiation of MSCs into tissue-specific cells has been reported, differentiation-independent mechanisms seem to play a more significant role in tissue repair which need to be addressed further. The safety and feasibility of MSCs have been demonstrated in clinical trials, and their use in combination with HSC for radiation injury treatment seems to have extended benefit. Therefore, using stem cells for treatment of disaster injuries along with the conventional medical practice would likely accelerate the repair process and improve the quality of life of the victim.

Precondicionamiento de células madres para el tratamiento del infarto del miocardio 
Preconditioning of stem cells for the treatment of myocardial infarction.
Lu HH, Li YF, Sheng ZQ, Wang Y.
Department of Cardiology, the Second Affiliated Hospital, Nantong University, Nantong, Jiangsu 226601, China (Email: lhh226001@126.com).
Chin Med J (Engl). 2012 Jan;125(2):378-84.
OBJECTIVE: Poor stem cell survival is one of the obstacles for cell regeneration therapy post myocardial infarction (MI) and responsible for unsatisfactory therapeutic effectiveness. Various approaches to improve the status of these cells and increase cell survival have become research foci. The following article is a mini-review on the utilization of cell preconditioning for stem cell survival. DATA SOURCES: The data used in this review were mainly from the articles in Medline and PubMed published from 1990 to 2010. The search terms included "preconditioning, stem cell and myocardial infarction". STUDY SELECTION: Original articles and critical reviews selected were relevant to the review's theme.RESULTS: The harsh ischemic and inflammatory microenvironment in the infarcted myocardium offers a significant challenge to the transplanted donor stem cells. Survival of stem cells following transplantation is affected by many factors, such as limited blood supply, nutritional deficiency, hypoxia, oxidative stress, and inflammation. Preconditioning methods have potent cytoprotective effects, which enables cells to maintain a "standby state" through programmed initiation of cell survival pathways. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that cell preconditioning can be used as an effective anti-apoptotic strategy and enable cells to withstand and survive the harsh environment after transplantation.

Fuera del quirófano: direcciones ilimitadas en investigación y más allá
Outside the operating room: unlimited directions in research and beyond.
Waterman R, Betancourt A.
Ochsner J. 2011 Spring;11(1):14-6.
The anesthesiologist's role often extends beyond the operating room and includes the realm of research. Recently, interest in investigating mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) as therapy for myriad diseases has grown. MSCs are adult stem cells traditionally found in bone marrow that hone to damaged tissues and contribute to the tissues' repair by secreting chemokines, cytokines, and extracellular matrix proteins. Research has established a connection between the stimulation of specific Toll-like receptors and the immune-modulating responses of human MSCs, which allows for the polarization of MSCs into either a pro-inflammatory or an anti-inflammatory phenotype. It is anticipated that MSC-based therapies polarized into the anti-inflammatory phenotype will treat painful inflammatory diseases, such as diabetic peripheral neuropathy or rheumatoid arthritis. These new cell-based therapies will be another tool for anesthesiologists to employ while treating patients with chronic pain
Utilización de Células Madre en Terapia Regenerativa Cardíaca
F. Prósper, A. Pérez, J. Cosín, A. Panizo, J. Rifón, M. Hernández, J. Pérez-Calvo, G. Rábago, S. Inogés,
E. Rocha, J. Herreros
Servicio de Hematología y Area de Terapia Celular. Departamento de Anatomía Patológica y Departamento de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular. Clínica Universitaria. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Navarra
REV MED UNIV NAVARRA/VOL. 46, Nº2, 2002, 24-28
La posibilidad de utilizar células madre en el tratamiento de diversas enfermedades humanas como la diabetes, la enfermedad de Parkinson, la cardiopatía isquémica constituye uno de los retos mas importantes de la medicina moderna. Sin embargo, antes de que los resultados de los estudios con células madre se traduzcan clínicamente existen múltiples problemas que deben ser resueltos. A continuación trataremos de exponer algunos conceptos relacionados con las células madre y su potencial, centrándonos principalmente en las células madre adultas tal como han sido recientemente descritas por el grupo de Catherine Verfaillie. Además resentaremos resultados de alguno de los primeros estudios clínicos realizados con células madre adultas como forma de terapia regenerativa cardíaca. En dichos trabajos se han empleado células madre de músculo (células satélite) autólogas en pacientes con infarto de miocardio, inyectándose directamente dichas células en la periferia de la cicatriz secundaria al infarto.
Palabras clave: Mioblasto. Células Madre Adultas. Regeneración Cardíaca.
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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