
martes, 7 de febrero de 2012

Top 100 Tools 2011

Fuente:   http://c4lpt.co.uk/top-100-tools-for-learning-2011/

Top 100 Tools 2011

Here are the Top 100 Tools for Learning 2011. This, the 5th Annual Survey of Learning Tools, was finalised on 13 November 2011. This year’s list was compiled from the Top 10 Tools lists of 531 learning professionals worldwide – from education, training and workplace learning.
What is a “learning tool”? This could be a tool you use to create or deliver learning content/solutions for others, or a tool you use for your own personal learning.
The slideset is available on Slideshare and is embedded below, the text list appears beneath it:
UPDATE: Now over 250,000 views of this presentation via Slideshare.
Previous years rankings shown in grey | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007
F = free, P = paid for, D = download, O = online

Top 30

  1. Twitter - micro-sharing site   |  1 |  1 | 11 | 43=    F O 
  2. YouTube - video-sharing tool | 2 |  3 | 18 | 22=   F O 
  3. Google Docs – collaboration suite (incl Google Forms) |  3 | 5 | 7 | 14    F O 
  4. Skype - instant messaging/VoIP tool  |  6 |  11= | 4 | 3=    F/P D  
  5. WordPress - blogging tool  | 8 | 6 | 5 | 6=6=    F O/D
  6. Dropbox - file synching software   | 13 | 71= | – | -   F/P O/D
  7. Prezi - presentation software  | 12 | 28 |  - |  -   F O
  8. Moodle - course management system  |  10 | 14= | 9 | 12=    F/D
  9. Slideshare - presentation sharing site  | 5 | 7 | 20 | 31   F O
  10. (Edu)Glogster - interactive poster tool  | 25 | 55= | – | -  F O
  11. Wikipedia - collaborative encyclopaedia  | 16 | 17 | 13 | 26=  F O
  12. Blogger/Blogspot - blogging tool  | 14 | 14= | 10 | 9  F O
  13. diigo - social annotation tool  | 15 | 22= | 35= | 72=  F O
  14. Facebook - social network   | 9 | 31= |  24 | 17=  F O
  15. Google Search - search engine  | 11 | 8 | 6 | 3  F O
  16. Google Reader - RSS reader   | 7 | 4 | 3 | 7=  F O
  17. Evernote - note-taking tool  | 23 | 27 | – | 16=  F D
  18. Jing - screen capture tool   | 17 | 20 | 26= | -  F D
  19. PowerPoint - presentation software  |  21 | 13 | 8 | 5  P D
  20. Gmail - web-based email service   | 31 | 21 | 14 | 7=  F O
  21. LinkedIn - prof social network  | 30 | 38= | 30= | 31=   F O
  22. Edmodo - edu social networking site  | 46 | 88 | – | -   F O
  23. Wikispaces - wiki tool  | 17 | 29 | 19 | 15   F/P O
  24. Delicious - social bookmarking tool  |  4 | 2 | 1 | 2  F O
  25. Voicethread - collaborative slideshows  | 19 | 19 | 23 | –   F/P O
  26. Google+ - social network  - F O   Highest placed new tool
  27. Animoto - videos from images  | 28 | 31= |  - |  -  F O
  28. Camtasia- screencasting tool   |  27 | 26 | 26= | 50=  P D
  29. Audacity  - sound editor/recorder  | 24 | 9= | 12 | 11  F D
  30. TED Talks - inspirational videos   F O  New

31- 65

  1. Yammer - private microsharing platform  | 68 | 71= | – |  -  F/P O
  2. Google Earth - virtual globe  | 41 | 43= | 40=| 40=  F D
  3. Scoopit - curation software – F O  New 
  4. PBWorks - wiki tool  | 33 | 34 | 35= | 43=  F/P O
  5. Google Apps - branded app suite  | 34 | 38= | 68= | -  F/P O
  6. flickr - photo sharing site   |  20 | 18 | 15 | 16   F O
  7. Tweetdeck - Twitter client  | 37 | 43= |  - | -  F D
  8. Google Maps - online maps  | 58 | 67 | 34 | 36=  F O
  9. Wordle - word cloud generator   |  22 | 30 |  - | –   F O
  10. Voki- speaking avatar creator  | 75 |  - | – |  -  F O
  11. Symbaloo - Internet portal/dashboard  F O  New
  12. Word - word processing software  | 60 | 36= | 22 | 10  P D
  13. Google Sites - wiki/website tool  | 39= | 71= | 59= | -  F O
  14. iPad and apps -   New 
  15. Google Chrome  - web browser   | 44 | 55= | – | -  F D
  16. Articulate  – e-learning software  | 43 | 24 | 25 | 22=  P D
  17. Snagit - screen capture tool   | 42 | 25 | 21 | 26=  P D
  18. Adobe Captivate - demo/scenario tools | 38 | 22= | 30= | 17=   P D
  19. Vimeo - video sharing site  | 70 | – |  - | -   F O
  20. Geogebra - maths software for schools – F D  New 
  21. Screenr - screencasting tool  | 58 | 55= | – | –   F O
  22. Mindmeister - mindmapping software  | 73= | 55= | 42= | -  P D
  23. Picasa -  photo organiser  | 46 | 63 |  - | 57=  F D
  24. Wallwisher - online noticeboard  | -  26 |  - |  - |  -  F O
  25. iPhone/iPod Touch and apps   | 39 | 31= | 50= | 43=
  26. Scribd - document sharing tool  | 54 | 71=| 83= | 50=  F O
  27. Ning - private social networking plat form  | 31 | 11= | 16 | 31=  P O
  28. eFront - course management system   F/P D/O  New 
  29. Adobe Connect - web conferencing tool  | 61 | 41= | 66= | 72=  P O
  30. Elluminate/Blackboard Collaborate - web conferencing  | 35 | 43= | 50= | 50=  P O
  31. OpenOffice - office suite  | 61 | 71= | 41= | 31=  F D
  32. Storybird - collaborative storytelling   | 71 | – | – | -  F O
  33. Knol - share what you know –  F O  New 
  34. LiveBinders - 3-ring binder for the web  | 61 | – | – | –  F O
  35. Sharepoint - intranet platform   | 75= | 50= | – | -  P D


In this the bottom 1/3rd of the list, there are a lot of tied places.
  1.  iTunes and iTunesU - music/podcast player/site  | 51 | 41= | 28 | 26=  F/P D
  2. Mahara - e-portfolio platform  F D    New
  3. lino - online stickies  F O  New
  4. Outlook - email client  | 95 | 67= | 38= | 17=  P D
  5. Posterous - blogging software  | 36 | 55= | – | -  F O
  6. Storify - makes stories using social media  F O  New
  7. Udutu - collaborative course authoring tool  | 95 | 64= | – | -   F/P O
  8. Hootsuite - social media dashboard  | 74= | – | – | –  F D
  9. BigBlueButton - web conferencing   F O  New
  10. Edublogs - educational blogging tool   | 48 | 49 | 59= | 72=  F O
  11. Etherpad + clones - real-time text collab  | 50 | 71= | – | -  F O
  12. iGoogle - personalised start page  | 44 | 16 | 17 | 17=  F O
  13. iMovie - Video editing software   | 95 | 88= | 66= | -  P D
  14. Khan Academy - learning platform   F O  New
  15. SurveyMonkey - survey tool   | 48= |  88= | 54= | -  F/P O
  16. Excel - spreadsheet software   | – | 50= | 27  P D
  17. Google Calendar - online calendar  |  53 | 50= | 29 | 36=  F O
  18. Kindle - ebook reader   New
  19. Poll Everywhere - instant audience feedback   F/P O/D  New
  20. Quizlet - flash card and study games website   F O  New
  21. Screencast-0-matic - online screen recorder  F O  New
  22. TeacherTube - edu video sharing site | 90 | 64= | 80= | 57=  F O
  23. Zotero - collect/manage research  | 57 | – | 66= | 72=  F O
  24. Blackboard - course management system  | 68 | – | – | -  P D
  25. Android phones and apps   | 85 |  - |  - |  -
  26. bubblus - collaborative mind mapping tool  | 89 | 55= | 83= | -  F O
  27. Buddypress - social networking software  F D  New
  28. Composica - social e-learning authoring system   P D  New
  29. Adobe Flash - animation authoring  | 81= | 38= | 38= | 43=  P D
  30. Fuze meeting - web conferencing  P O  New
  31. Netvibes - personal start page  | 61 | 55= | 37 | 26=  F O
  32. Paper.li - daily digest of tweets   F O  New
  33. ReadItLater - save pages for later   F O  New
  34. Weebly - website/blog software   F O  New
  35. OneNote - personal information manager | 85= |  – | 66= | - P D
(Visited 81,758 times, 1,029 visits today)

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