
jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2011

Virtual Learning

Post image of Virtual Learning, a life changing technology

VL (Virtual Learning), a flourishing technology keeping all the obstacles away for students which are coming on their way to pursuit knowledge and it’s opening up new ways to impart education. E-learning also gives an appropriate solution to those, looking for better education, no matter what problem they are in. one of the examples Atul gupta, who tells us how e-learning has changed his life and a longing of being sophisticated with a good quality of education, has been fulfilled with the arrival of e-learning.
E-learning can be demonstrated that “a term E-learning is as modernized, revolutionized as these words in itself”.
E-learning is responsible for transmitting education as a flood with a positive note which can be heard, seen as well as felt when the students and learners breathe.
E-learning has opened all the streets in the state of education and dominating in such a great manner that everybody is heading towards the state of education. Virtual learning (e-learning) is not like traditional learning where students are supposed to mark their presence in the classroom. E-learning is cost-effective and gives options to students and learners so that, they can study whenever, wherever they wish to, at any point of time with a free will.
The importance of e-learning can be seen through the eyes of e-learning students or learners as Piron Corporation did a survey among all the students and learners whether e-learning is beneficial or not?
The result we have got, unfolds the future of e-learning as most of the students and learners have rated it one of the most wonderful, amazing modern technologies which has enhanced their career and transformed them completely.
One of the students named Akash mishra has very well said that, E-learning has come up in my life as I’m inhaling in the fresh air. Now need not attend classes in schools or colleges anymore because the classes have shifted from there to my computer and all credit goes to flexiguru (online learning system) for brining e-learning in the public domain.
One more student named Atul gupta has rightly indicated that why e-leaning has an enriched and wealthy future, when talking about e-learning he tells us that he wanted to study further but due to some financial problems he could not carry on with it as he had to earn his livelihood but, the commencement of e-learning has brought change and my life has also been changed, now I’m getting a proper education as well as earning a good amount of money, said Atul gupta, a student of e-learning …
So, e-learning is no doubt turning out to be a real boost, boosting and giving height to students or learners and changing the course of education for a better opportunity and career and Piron Corporationhas been playing a very good knock in the field of education (e-learning) since 2001

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