
sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2011

En este día...


On This Day: November 12

On Nov. 12, 1942, the World War II naval Battle of Guadalcanal began. The Americans eventually won a major victory over the Japanese.
On Nov. 12, 1815, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the pioneering American women's rights leader and social reformer, was born. Following her death on Oct. 26, 1902, her obituary appeared in The Times.

On This Date

1920Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis was elected baseball's first commissioner.
1942The World War II naval Battle of Guadalcanal began.
1948Former Japanese premier Hideki Tojo and several other World War II Japanese leaders were sentenced to death by a war crimes tribunal.
1954Ellis Island closed after processing more than 20 million immigrants since opening in New York Harbor in 1892.
1982Yuri V. Andropov was elected to succeed the late Leonid I. Brezhnev as general secretary of the Soviet Communist Party's Central Committee.
1985Xavier Suarez was elected Miami's first Cuban-American mayor.
1990Japanese Emperor Akihito formally assumed the Chrysanthemum Throne.
1997Ramzi Yousef was found guilty of masterminding the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.
1999President Bill Clinton signed a sweeping measure knocking down Depression-era barriers and allowing banks, investment firms and insurance companies to sell each other's products.
2001An American Airlines flight crashed near New York's Kennedy airport, killing 265 people.
2004A jury in Redwood City, Calif., convicted Scott Peterson of murdering his pregnant wife, Laci, and dumping her body in San Francisco Bay. (Peterson was later sentenced to death.)
2006Gerald R. Ford surpassed Ronald Reagan as the longest-lived U.S. president at 93 years and 121 days. (Ford died the following month.)
2008Same-sex marriages began in Connecticut, a month after the state Supreme Court ruled that gays had the right to wed.
2009Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan was charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder in the Fort Hood, Texas, massacre.

Current Birthdays

Anne Hathaway, Actress
Actress Anne Hathaway turns 29 years old today.
AP Photo/Kristian Dowling
Ryan Gosling, Actor
Actor Ryan Gosling turns 31 years old today.
AP Photo/Evan Agostini
1931Norman Y. Mineta, Former secretary of transportation, turns 80
1943Wallace Shawn, Actor, playwright, turns 68
1944Booker T. Jones, Rock musician (Booker T. & the MGs), turns 67
1944Al Michaels, Sportscaster, turns 67
1945Neil Young, Rock musician, turns 66
1949Jack Reed, U.S. senator, D-R.I., turns 62
1958Megan Mullally, Actress ("Will and Grace"), turns 53
1961Nadia Comaneci, Olympic gold medal gymnast, turns 50
1968Sammy Sosa, Baseball player, turns 43
1973Radha Mitchell, Actress, turns 38
1984Omarion, Singer, turns 27

Historic Birthdays

66Baccio Bandinelli 11/12/1493 - 2/7/1560
Italian sculptor
53Aleksandr Borodin 11/12/1833 - 2/27/1887
Russian composer
77Auguste Rodin 11/12/1840 - 11/17/1917
French sculptor
74Jack Oakie 11/12/1903 - 1/23/1978
American actor
90Harry Blackmun 11/12/1908 - 3/4/1999
American jurist; associate justice of U.S. Supreme Court (1970-94)
80Buck Clayton 11/12/1911 - 12/8/1991
American musician
64Roland Barthes 11/12/1915 - 3/25/1980
French essayist
52Grace Kelly 11/12/1929 - 9/14/1982
American actress

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