
sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2011

Cirugía del Cushing: papel del anestesiólogo

Cirugía del Cushing: papel del anestesiólogo 
Cushing s surgery: Role of the anesthesiologist.
Domi R.
Indian J Endocr Metab 2011;15:322-8
Cushing s syndrome is a clinical situation, caused by excessive glucocorticoid level, resulting in several features such as central obesity, supraclavicular fat, "moon face," "buffalo hump," hyperglycemia, metabolic alkalosis, hypokalemia, poor wound healing, easy bruising, hypertension, proximal muscle weakness, thin extremities, skin thinning, menstrual irregularities, and purple striae. In the perioperative period, the anesthesiologist must deal with difficult ventilation and intubation, hemodynamic disturbances, volume overload and hypokalemia, glucose intolerance, and diabetes, maintaining the blood cortisol level and preventing the glucocorticoid deficiency. This syndrome is quite rare and its features make these patients very difficult to the anesthesiologist.
Keywords: Adrenalectomy, anesthesia, Cushing s syndrome

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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