
lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

Riesgos de ser anestesiólogo

Riesgos de ser anestesiólogo
Risks of being an anaesthesiologist
Schoeffler, Pierre; Dualé, Christian; Walder, Bernhard
From the Département d'Anesthésie-Réanimation, CHU Hôpital Gabriel Montpied, Clermont Ferrand, France (PS, CD) and Service d'Anesthésiologie, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland (BW)
European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2011, 28:756-757
Anaesthesia covers a large spectrum of highly specialised disciplines: prehospital emergency medicine, pre-interventional consultation, regional anaesthesia, sedation, general anaesthesia, intensive and intermediate care and acute and chronic pain. Anaesthesia demands knowledge, technical and other skills to deal with elective and urgent interventions. Anaesthesiologists provide a very high quality of professional service daily. Therefore, anaesthesia is attractive and can provide great professional satisfaction.

Causas específicas de riesgo de mortalidad en anestesiólogos
Cause-specific mortality risks of anesthesiologists
Alexander BH, Checkoway H, Nagahama SI, Domino KB.
Department of Anesthesiology, School of Medicine, and the Department of Environmental Health, School of Public Health, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Anesthesiology 2000; 93:922-930.
BACKGROUND: The health-related effects of the operating room environment are unclear. The authors compared mortality risks of anesthesiologists to those of internal medicine physicians between 1979 and 1995. METHODS: The Physician Master File database, a listing of all US physicians, was used to identify anesthesiologists and general internists. The cohort of internists (n = 40,211) was a stratified random sample of all internists, frequency-matched to the cohort of anesthesiologists (n = 40,242) by gender, decade of birth, and US citizenship. The National Death Index was used to confirm death status and to determine specific causes of death. Mortality risks, adjusted for age, gender, and race, were compared using the Cox proportional hazards regression model. RESULTS: The standardized mortality ratios for all physicians were well below 1.0, except for suicide. The all-cause mortality ratios, and the risks of death caused by cancer and heart disease, did not differ between anesthesiologists and internists. Anesthesiologists had an increased risk of death from suicide (rate ratio [RR] = 1.45, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.07 - 1.97), drug-related death (RR = 2.79, 95% CI = 1.87 - 4.15), death from other external causes (RR = 1.53, 95% CI = 1.05 - 2.22), and death from cerebrovascular disease (RR = 1.39, 95% CI = 1.08 - 1.79). Male anesthesiologists had an increased risk of death from HIV (RR = 1.82, 95% CI = 1.09 - 3.02) and viral hepatitis (RR = 7.98, 95% CI = 1.0 - 63.84). Although the risk to anesthesiologists of drug-related deaths was highest in the first 5 years after medical school graduation, it remained increased over that of internists throughout the career. CONCLUSIONS: Substance abuse and suicide represent significant occupational hazards for anesthesiologists. New methods to combat substance abuse among anesthesiologists should be developed.
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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