
sábado, 18 de junio de 2011

En este día...


On This Day: June 18

On June 18, 1948, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights adopted its International Declaration of Human Rights.
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On June 18, 1884, Edouard Daladier, the French politician who was a signer of the Munich Pact of 1938, was born. Following his death on Oct. 10, 1970, his obituary appeared in The Times.

On This Date

1812The United States declared war against Britain.
1815British and Prussian troops defeated the French under Napoleon Bonaparte at Waterloo in Belgium.
1873Suffragist Susan B. Anthony was fined $100 for attempting to vote in the 1872 presidential election.
1928Aviator Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean as she completed a flight from Newfoundland to Wales in about 21 hours.
1948The United Nations Commission on Human Rights adopted the International Declaration of Human Rights.
1948Columbia Records unveiled its new long-playing, 33 1/3 rpm phonograph record.
1979President Jimmy Carter and Soviet President Leonid I. Brezhnev signed the SALT II strategic arms limitation treaty in Vienna.
1983Astronaut Sally K. Ride became America's first woman in space as she and four colleagues blasted off aboard the space shuttle Challenger.
2002A Palestinian detonated a nail-studded bomb in a Jerusalem bus, killing 19 passengers and himself.
2004European Union leaders agreed on the first constitution for the bloc's 25 members.
2006Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori was elected the first female presiding bishop for the Episcopal Church, the U.S. arm of the global Anglican Communion.

Current Birthdays

Paul McCartney, Rock musician
Rock musician Paul McCartney turns 69 years old today.
AP Photo/Henny Ray Abrams
Mike Johanns, U.S. senator, R-Neb.
Sen. Mike Johanns, R-Neb., turns 61 years old today.
AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin
1926Tom Wicker, Journalist, turns 85
1937Jay Rockefeller, U.S. senator, D-W.Va., turns 74
1939Lou Brock, Baseball Hall of Famer, turns 72
1942Roger Ebert, Movie critic, turns 69
1952Carol Kane, Actress, turns 59
1952Isabella Rossellini, Actress, turns 59
1961Alison Moyet, Rock singer, turns 50
1963Bruce Smith, Football Hall of Famer, turns 48
1976Alana de la Garza, Actress ("Law and Order"), turns 35
1980Antonio Gates, Football player, turns 31

Historic Birthdays

80Bartolommeo Ammannati 6/18/1511 - 4/22/1592
Italian sculptor and architect
55Feofan Prokopovich 6/18/1681 - 9/19/1736
Russian Orthodox archbishop; important ally of Peter the Great
81William Lassell 6/18/1799 - 10/5/1880
English astronomer
71Edward Wyllis Scripps 6/18/1854 - 3/12/1926
American newspaper publisher
72Henry Clay Folger 6/18/1857 - 6/11/1930
American industrialist and philanthropist
69Nicolae Iorga 6/18/1871 - 11/28/1940
Romanian scholar, statesman and historian
82James Montgomery Flagg 6/18/1877 - 5/27/1960
American illustrator and poster artist
53Philip Barry 6/18/1896 - 12/3/1949
American dramatist
17Anastasia 6/18/1901 - 7/17/1918
Russian daughter of Tsar Nicholas II

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