
sábado, 25 de junio de 2011

Education review

The library shared by Public School 9 and Middle School 571 in Brooklyn was recently renovated, but has no librarian.
Mylan Cannon/The New York Times
The library shared by Public School 9 and Middle School 571 in Brooklyn was recently renovated, but has no librarian.
In New York, and school districts across the country, officials say they have little choice but to eliminate librarians, having reduced administrative staff and shed extracurricular activities.

Deal Will Avert Plan to Lay Off City Teachers

An agreement that calls for concessions from the teachers’ union and contributions from the City Council could save 4,100 jobs.

Cuomo Likely to Veto Bill on School Borrowing

The measure would let districts borrow as much as $1 billion without voter approval to cope with rising pension costs.
Sister Nora McArt, right, principal of St. Martin of Tours, and Lydia Cruiz, the secretary, with kindergarten students on graduation day.

School’s Out, Forever

The closing of St. Martin of Tours in the Bronx reflects a crisis facing the Roman Catholic educational system in New York.
VALUES ORIENTED Rachel Kleinberger chose to leave a TV job for a nonprofit group that promotes environmental sustainability.

Green Jobs Attract Graduates

Sustainability seems to resonate with droves of ambitious, young innovators seeking jobs with meaning.

Games With No Screens and Food That’s Not Fast

When summer arrives and the structure of school days ends, many children fall into bad habits, but Children’s Power Play!, a statewide initiative, aims to correct that.

City Rejects Unions’ Offer to Help Close Budget Gap

The leader of a group of municipal unions accused city officials of shutting the door on negotiations over a financial rescue package that could avert thousands of teacher layoffs..
Representative John Kline, center, with fellow Republicans.

Republican Challenges Administration on Plans to Override Education Law

Representative John Kline of Minnesota said he would use a House rewrite of the No Child Left Behind law to rein in Education Secretary Arne Duncan’s influence.

For SUNY and CUNY, Top Lawmakers Support Plan to Raise Tuition $300 a Year

More than 350,000 students would be affected by the proposed legislation, which is intended to make tuition increases more predictable.

Free, but Unemployed, in Tunisia

The lack of jobs for university graduates — a root cause of the revolution in Tunisia — remains to be addressed as the country steps slowly toward democracy.

Learning Empathy by Looking Beyond Disabilities

A new program aims to promote tolerance among students at Ridgewood High School by connecting them with disabled peers.
Michele Bachmann and her daughters - from left, Caroline, Elisa, and Sophia - at home in 2004. Mrs. Bachmann said she worked until Caroline, the second-youngest of five, was born.

Roots of Bachmann’s Ambition Began at Home

Representative Michele Bachmann’s political awakening began with her encounters with the school system when she was a foster mother.

In Data, ‘A’ Schools Leave Many Not Ready for CUNY

The new figures also showed a clear link between college remediation and how well students performed before high school.
Opponents and supporters of the suit against the Department of Education clashed outside court in Manhattan on Tuesday.

Both Sides Square Off at Hearing on Charter School Suit

Plaintiffs and opponents clashed outside a hearing on a lawsuit by the teachers’ union against the city’s Education Department over a proposal to close schools.

Plan Aims to Revitalize Detroit Schools

Michigan officials announced a plan Monday to overhaul Detroit’s struggling schools by moving the worst ones into a new system in the fall of 2012.
Members of the Army Junior R.O.T.C. program at Francis Lewis High School in an annual pass-in-review ceremony last month.

At High School in Queens, R.O.T.C.’s Enduring Influence

The program at Francis Lewis High School, which has grown every year since its inception, is the largest of the 1,725 high school chapters in the country.
Wess Young, 94, fled with his mother and sister as armed white men rampaged through his neighborhood in 1921.

As Survivors Dwindle, Tulsa Confronts Past

Tulsa’s race riot of 1921 has been mentioned rarely in public or private. Now, advocates are pressing for recognition.
From the Book Review

‘Nothing Daunted’

Dorothy Wickenden tells the story of her grandmother’s stint as a teacher on the frontier.
Anthony Edwards, left, and Robert Carradine in “Revenge of the Nerds” (1984).

‘The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth’

Alexandra Robbins argues that many of the traits attributed to “losers” in high school contribute to success later in life.
Education Life
The Global Campus
Articles on study abroad, majoring in business, blogging scholars, the fastest growing fields for students to consider and more.
New York School Test Scores
A complete summary of demographics and student performance over the past decade for every school in New York.
Timeline: Dennis M. Walcott
The life and career of the new chancellor for New York City schools.
From Opinion
The Triumph of the Humanities

The Triumph of the Humanities

In a new collection, more evidence that the humanities have colonized the fields that were supposed to have displaced them.

Michael Winerip

“On Education” looks beyond the discourse to the teachers, principals and students at the heart of learning.

The Motherlode

Lisa Belkin writes about homework, friends, grades, bullying, baby sitters, the work-family balance and much more.

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