
sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011

Perfusión en cuerpo por tomografía computarizada: principios técnicos y aplicaciones clínicas

Perfusión en cuerpo por tomografía computarizada: principios técnicos y aplicaciones clínicas
Publicado en Imagen Diagn.2010; 01 :41-6 - vol.01 núm 02


Objectives: This article reviews the current technique for body perfusion studies in multidetector computed tomography (MDCT), recommendations on the most effective way to obtain the information in the images, the results, and the technological developments likely in the near future for this type of studies. Material and methods: We used a LightSpeed VCT with an Advantage Workstation 4.4, both from GE Healthcare. Conclusions: Body perfusion MDCT is a constantly expanding modality. The limitations to the technique are being overcome and it is becoming established as one of the priority techniques for functional imaging in oncologic patients. The aim of this technique is to achieve the maximum temporal resolution possible.

Palabras clave Perfusión; Tomografía computarizada multidetector; Imagen tumoral; Oncología

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