
miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

Book Review

Book Review Preview
Albert Brooks's First Novel
Albert Brooks has written his first novel, “2030.” The Book Review’s editor, Sam Tanenhaus, interviews the acclaimed actor, screenwriter and director about the art of writing fiction.
Rob Lowe Wrote a Book
Rob Lowe discusses his memoir, “Stories I Only Tell My Friends,” with Sam Tanenhaus, the editor of the Book Review.
Jane Goodall, Illustrated
Two new children's books explore the life of Jane Goodall, the chimpanzee expert and prominent conservationist. The Times spoke with Dr. Goodall about living out her childhood dreams.
Book Covers That Got Away
A gallery of rejected book cover designs whose creators couldn’t quite let them rest in peace.

Book Review Podcast

Featuring Jane Goodall, who is the subject of two new children’s books; and the novelist and essayist Geoff Dyer.
  •  This Week's Book Review Podcast (mp3)
The Times's Critics
Recent reviews by:
Children’s Books
Children’s Bookshelf: Wheels
Picture books about bicycles, wagons and cars.
Children’s Bookshelf: Cats & Dogs
Picture books about pets and working animals.

Eat, Pray, Love, Rinse, Repeat

What happens when a character from the book decides to write a memoir about being in a memoir? It’s the dawn of a new genre: the meta-moir.

Behind the Greening of Wal-Mart

In a new book, Edward Humes tells how a former river-rafting guide convinced Wal-Mart to change its environmental policies.
Book Review Features
Christopher Hitchens

Up Front: Christopher Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens sees similarities between those who protested World War I and his generation’s antiwar movement in the ’60s.
Eric Greitens

Inside the List

Navy Seals like Eric Greitens, author of “The Heart and the List,” may have nabbed Osama bin Laden. But can they stop the celebrity invasion of the best-seller list?

Editors’ Choice

Recently reviewed books of particular interest.

Paperback Row

Paperback books of particular interest.

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