
jueves, 21 de abril de 2011

Mecanismos moleculares subyacentes en hipotermia inducida para neuroprotección

Mecanismos moleculares subyacentes en hipotermia inducida para neuroprotección
Molecular mechanisms underlying hypothermia-induced neuroprotection.
Shintani Y, Terao Y, Ohta H.
Pharmacology Research Laboratories, Pharmaceutical Research Division, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, 2-17-85, Jusohonmachi, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka 532-8686, Japan.
Stroke Res Treat. 2010 Dec 1;2011:809874.
Stroke is a dynamic event in the brain involving heterogeneous cells. There is now compelling clinical evidence that prolonged, moderate cerebral hypothermia initiated within a few hours after severe ischemia can reduce subsequent neuronal death and improve behavioral recovery. The neuroprotective role of hypothermia is also well established in experimental animals. However, the mechanism of hypothermic neuroprotection remains unclear, although, presumably involves the ability of hypothermia to suppress a broad range of injurious factors. In this paper, we addressed this issue by utilizing comprehensive gene and protein expression analyses of ischemic rat brains. To predict precise target molecules, we took advantage of the therapeutic time window and duration of hypothermia necessary to exert neuroprotective effects. We proposed that hypothermia contributes to protect neuroinflammation, and identified candidate molecules such as MIP-3α and Hsp70 that warrant further investigation as targets for therapeutic drugs acting as "hypothermia-like neuroprotectants."

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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