
martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Las bajas resultante de la explosión nuclear: Un panorama

Las bajas resultante de la explosión nuclear: Un panorama 
Casualties Resulting From Nuclear Explosion: An Overview
J R Army Med Corps 2004; 150: 3-4
This issue of the Journal is devoted to the management of casualties resulting from nuclear explosion. Detonation of a nuclear device results in the release of many forms of energy all of which are potentially damaging to human beings. Like other forms of unconventional weapon, it is the fanatical terrorist that poses the greatest threat of some form of nuclear device being used against an unsuspecting civilian population. However, a nuclear accident, such as that which occurred at Chernobyl, could produce large numbers of casualties from gammairradiation without the effects of other forms of energy. This overview introduces all the potential clinical aspects of a nuclear detonation. In the articles which follow, selected aspects of greater clinical importance are considered in greater detail.

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