
martes, 26 de abril de 2011

El Víctor Ravens Diario salud 2 26-04-2011

online.wsj.com - A new clinical trial found that lithium doesn't slow the devastating progression of Lou Gehrig's disease, but the findings released Sunday also show that its pioneering use of a social network to e...

ama-assn.org - Technically Speaking. By Pamela Lewis Dolan, amednews staff. Posted Apr 25, 2011.TECHNICALLY SPEAKING A practical look at information technology issues and usageMany studies have found that the maj...

cancer.blogs.com - New York City — In a move that affirms cancer as a major development issue and creates a strong precedent for including the disease on the global health agenda, the United Nations urged member stat...

yourlife.usatoday.com - Children exposed to high pesticide levels in the womb have lower average IQs than other kids, according to three independent studies released today in Environmental Health Perspectives.By APPregnan...


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