
lunes, 25 de abril de 2011

El Víctor Ravens Diario 2 25/4/2011

What happens when fruit flies take meth?Scientists at the University of Illinois sought to answer that question in the hopes of learning more about the powerful drug's effects on the human body.Mos...

El otro día un gran amigo, al que Carpe Diem le debe mucho, leyó un artículo que pensó podría irle muy bien a mi blog así que me lo pasó sin dudarlo. Trata sobre los todo lo que pasa por la cabeza ...
Cultura y Espectáculos

The team that made "American Idol" a smash hit is reuniting to try and rechristen the magic.Simon Cowell told Deadline that he's close to choosing Paula Abdul to join him as a judge on his upcoming...
Cultura y Espectáculos

Yesterday, I brought you some recipes for leftover Easter Peeps. There are most likely some other leftovers hanging around your house two days after Eater — like ham and vegetables. In fact, these ...

By Genevra Pittman NEW YORK | Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:28am EDT NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Both bullies and their victims take more trips to the nurse's office than other students - but not just for the...

This isn't something you hear everyday: Hong Kong Airlines is requiring its new cabin crews--all 23 of them--to master wing chun--a form of kung fu practiced by the legendary Bruce Lee, among other...
Cultura y Espectáculos

WASHINGTON  —  By October 2004, two years into his detention at the Guantánamo Bay prison, Ali Abdullah Ahmed had established a corrosive reputation among prison officials. Mr. Ahmed’s  classified ...

Domingo, 24 de Abril de 2011 11:17 Última actualización el Domingo, 24 de Abril de 2011 11:40 Escrito por Edita Sueiras Tags: audacity | audio | música | sonidoEsta puede ser una de las actividades...

La risa, el afecto, el humor, la alegría y la felicidad son buenos compañeros de viaje en la vida, tanto para el que lo da como para el que lo recibe. Y en la profesión médica, además, se ha consid...

Por Cyberfrancis el 23/04/2011Si por casualidad estamos buscando artículos de carácter científico, lo más seguro es que nos perdamos con los resultados de los principales buscadores. Para remediar ...

La aparición de la luz artificial ha trasformado la sociedad occidental y ha convertido el dormir de una necesidad a un lujo, persistiendo, desafortunadamente, la opinión manifestada por Thomas Edi...

Douglass AM et al. – The 67% agreement between EPs and consulting psychiatrists regarding need for involuntary hold, and 76% agreement regarding final disposition, demonstrate a substantial disagre...

WASHINGTON — Said Mohammed Alam Shah, a 24-year-old Afghan who had lost a leg as a teenager, told interrogators at the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, that he had been conscripted by the Taliban as...

KIEV, Ukraine -- The world must prepare for more nuclear accidents on the scale of Chernobyl and Japan's Fukushima Dai-ichi plant, the U.N. chief warned Wednesday, saying that grim reality will dem...
Medio ambiente

Biesaga B et al. – The results suggest that lower TOPOII&alpha expression and lower tumour grade are favorable prognostic factors for early advanced breast cancer patients after adjuvant anthracycl...

This article is by Charlie Savage, William Glaberson and Andrew W. Lehren. WASHINGTON — A trove of more than 700 classified military documents provides new and detailed accounts of t...

When you clean with harsh cleansers, "inevitably some of these chemical components escape into the environment," Trask says. Such chemicals have been linked with a variety of health issues, includi...

Simpson S et al. –This, the most comprehensive review of multiple sclerosis (MS) prevalence to date, has confirmed a statistically significant positive association between MS prevalence and latitud...

By Laura Landro A program to reduce central-line bloodstream infections in intensive-care units is showing strong results, according to new data published by the federal Agency for Healthcare Resea...

I just got home from a day in the East Bay with family and read with great interest the above the fold story in the New York Times about NASA Astronauts looking for something else to do these days:...

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