
martes, 29 de marzo de 2011


symposier.com - Uploaded and Shared in Youtube by: URIanimation Bleomycin is a popular DNA-reactive anticancer agent. This animation consists of three parts, 1) the first is a simple backdrop that shows DNA and th...

life-sciences.net - About Life-Sciences.net is a network for scientists and the community to discover and share scholary and popular content in biology, in the applied life sciences agriculture and forestry, in the ea...

life-sciences.net - About Life-Sciences.net is a network for scientists and the community to discover and share scholary and popular content in biology, in the applied life sciences agriculture and forestry, in the ea...

informahealthcare.com - Incidence of death and recurring acute coronary syndrome after stopping clopidogrel therapy in a large commercially-insured population in the US Posted online on March 28, 2011. (doi:10.1185/030079...

yourhealth.gov.au - 29 Mar 2011Featured newsPersonally controlled electronic health records (PCEHR) moved a step closer with the announcement of an additional nine eHealth sites to drive the development and implementa...

elpais.com - El pasado mes de diciembre, pocos días antes de Navidad, nació el primer bebé libre del gen BRCA1, que predispone a padecer un tipo de cáncer de mama hereditario. Se trata del primer caso español y...

itsoftware.pharmaceutical-business-review.com - PBR Staff Writer Published 29 March 2011 GE Healthcare has introduced a new clinical research management (CRM) solution - Centricity Research so as to support the improvement of the efficacy and ef...

symposier.com - Symposier.com is the technological platform that will allow you (and your colleagues) to share medical information, event calendars, clinical cases, new procedures and much more with medicine profe...

conestetoscopio.com - La dexmedetomidina tiene efectos altamente específicos en receptores alfa 2 adrenérgicos y se le ha dado uso reciente en analgesia y sedación del paciente pediátrico crítico. su efecto es dosis dep...

life-sciences.net - About Life-Sciences.net is a network for scientists and the community to discover and share scholary and popular content in biology, in the applied life sciences agriculture and forestry, in the ea...

informahealthcare.com - Evaluating optimal lipid levels in patients with mixed dyslipidemia following short- and long-term treatment with fenofibric acid and statin combination therapy: a post hoc analysis Posted online o...

veomed.com - 58       Brief Description  Trajectories of Heroin Addiction: What can a 33-year follow-up study tell us?     Full Description       Citation  Surgery1,Veomed Admin,VA:02:17:1:2009     Abstract    ...

symposier.com - The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is seeking applicants for its Intramural NIAID Research Opportunities (INRO) prog...

elmundo.es - Como John 'Scottie' Ferguson, protagonista de la inquietante 'Vértigo', muchas personas sufren fobia o pánico a las alturas. Este miedo irracional al vacío, que se desencadena con gestos tan simple...

veomed.com - 13       Brief Description   Case presentation: A 64-year-old Asian man was diagnosed with hyperlipidemia despite a healthy lifestyle. In addition to diet changes, the patient used red yeast rice a...

nytimes.com - Does the reading public really need yet one more rundown of the repeatedly debunked claims linking childhood vaccinations and autism? The positions of those who uphold vaccine safety and those who ...

mdlinx.com - He J et al. - Adipose tissue macrophage content (ATMc) is associated with lower high density lipoprotein (HDL-C) independent of BMI indicating a link between ATMc and cardiovascular risk factors. M...

mdlinx.com - Ansell SM et al. – mTOR inhibitors in combination with rituximab could have a role in the treatment of patients with relapsed and refractory mantle cell lymphoma. MethodsPhase 2 studyPatients (aged...

symposier.com - Uploaded and Shared in Youtube by: UChicagoMedCenter Daniel Le Grange, professor of psychiatry and behavioral neuroscience and director of the Eating Disorders Center at the University of Chicago M...


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