
martes, 29 de marzo de 2011


sumedico.com - Recientemente, un estudio realizado en la Universidad de Michigan encontró que si la mamá está deprimida durante el embarazo, el bebé nacerá con niveles mayores de estrés, menos tono musculas y otr...

everydayhealth.com - With the recent media attention on heart fatalities in young athletes, parents may be wondering if enough is being done to identify athletes at risk for sudden death. In response, some communities ...

larazon.es - Este hecho no es visto con buenos ojos por parte de muchos farmacéuticos, que consideran que sería más adecuado que estas personas pasasen primero por un médico que valorase su situación en profund...

reuters.com - By Kate Kelland LONDON | Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:52pm EDT LONDON (Reuters) - Medical progress and global efforts to reduce infant and child mortality have reversed historical trends and mean that death ...

medpagetoday.com - Obese patients with type 2 diabetes should have bariatric surgery to treat their disease, according to a new position statement from the International Diabetes Federation. Patients with diabetes an...

reuters.com - NEW YORK | Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:20pm EDT NEW YORK (Reuters) - Medtronic Inc has won U.S. approval for a new generation of implantable defibrillators designed to cut back on inappropriate shocks deliv...


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