
jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011

Pfizer recalls pain drug acquired in King deal

reuters.com - By Ransdell Pierson NEW YORK | Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:58pm EDT NEW YORK (Reuters) - Just weeks after completing its $3.6 billion purchase of King Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer Inc has recalled an opioid pain...

health.gov.au -     182 new GPs will begin training in Queensland this year as the Australian Government continues to deliver national health reform benefits, helping Queenslanders to see and contact a doctor when...

ama-assn.org - A third of surrogate decision-makers experience stress, guilt and other upsetting emotions related to their role in determining a loved one's care, according to a March 1 Annals of Internal Medicin...

milenio.com - Victoria.- El funcionario estatal confirmó que las facultades de Medicina en Tamaulipas han decidido ya no mandar a sus médicos pasantes a comunidades rurales para evitar riesgos. “Los 272 centros ...

newsworks.org - In the above excerpt from producer/director Claire Schoen’s Heart-to-Heart series, Regina Dyer relates her struggles with end-of-life care.We now have the technology to keep patients who are critic...

fierceemr.com - A review of federal survey data in this month's Health Affairs shows that more than four in five (83 percent) office-based physicians could qualify for new federal incentive payments--through Medic...


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