
lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011

Juegos educatívos paa mejorar la alimentación de los niños

Health Games 

  • Escape From Diab

    Escape from Diab is an NIH-funded serious PC adventure in healthy eating and exercise that focuses on obesity and type 2 diabetes prevention. The game combines character-driven storytelling, 3D computer animation, and health-focused gameplay with evidence-based behavior modification theories. The story centers around five children who must get healthy enough to escape the evil King Etes. Over 60 minutes of computer animated cutscenes guide the player through goal setting, problem solving, energy balance, and other gameplay activities.
  • Nanoswarm: Invasion from Inner Space

    Nanoswarm is a role-playing PC adventure, funded by the NIH, which is designed to target obesity and type 2 diabetes in children. Nanoswarm is the story of four teenage scientists and the player, nicknamed Wings, who are must save the world from an plague that threatens the health of the global community and pilot a microscopic ship through the body of Fred, their friend who suddenly became ill from an unknown condition that threatens the health of the world. As Wings, the player must set and achieve real life goals to eat more fruit and vegetables and be physically active to win the game.
  • Comfort Zone: Prostate Cancer Treatment Options

    Comfort Zone is a web-based game, designed for the Abramson Center for the Future of Health. It gives recently diagnosed Prostate Cancer patients the ability to explore their questions and concerns about treatment options. The game uses friendly spin-the-wheel and card game mechanics, making play easy for older adult audiences. This is coupled with a complex data matrix, backed by baseline patient data and post treatment surveys. Through gameplay, patients are able to create an informed list of questions for their doctor.
  • Baylor College of Medicine: Squire's Quest! 2

    The Squire's Quest! 2 research project is the follow-up to CNRC's successful Squire's Quest! project. Eight animated characters interact with the player, a Squire, who must save the mediaeval Kingdom of Fivealot from the sneaky King Ssynster by meeting FJV goals and earning enough badges to become a Knight. Squire's Quest! 2 includes over 60 minutes of animation which guides the player through a rich storyline, ten casual games, a virtual kitchen, and FJV behavior-change components.
  • Baylor College of Medicine: Family Eats 2

    Baylor College of Medicine was funded to give the 2004 Family Eats program a face-lift to appeal to today's modern African-American mom. A new web environment complete with custom artwork and animated characters. Like its predecessor, Family Eats 2 includes educational animations, custom designed admin tools, and personal tracking for the site visitor. The program aims to address barriers busy families face when trying to plan and prepare healthy meals together.
  • National Cancer Institute: ASA24 Dietary Recall Tool

    The goal of this project was to create an engaging, user-friendly experience to replace traditional costly dietary recall interviews with a registered dietician. The software includes tutorials for respondents, an animated character guide, quick food list browsing, and back-end technology so researchers can add their own text scripts, study logo, and monitor study progress.

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