
domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

Items in Collection ‘Evidencias para dejar de fumar’

Items in Collection ‘Evidencias para dejar de fumar’


The Global Research Neglect of Unassisted Smoking Cessation: Causes and ConsequencesChapman and MacKenzie2011-01-18 09:42
Acupuncture and related interventions for smoking cessationWhite et al.2011-02-12 15:41
Nicobrevin for smoking cessationStead and Lancaster2011-02-12 15:42
School-based programmes for preventing smokingThomas and Perera2011-02-12 15:41
Telephone counselling for smoking cessationStead et al.2011-01-11 07:34
Opioid antagonists for smoking cessationDavid et al.2011-01-11 07:34
Family-based programmes for preventing smoking by children and adolescentsThomas et al.2011-01-11 07:34
Nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessationStead et al.2011-01-11 07:34
Nursing interventions for smoking cessationRice and Stead2011-01-11 07:34
Cilostazol for peripheral arterial diseaseRobless et al.2011-02-12 15:42
Mass media interventions for smoking cessation in adultsBala et al.2011-02-12 15:42
Psychosocial interventions for smoking cessation in patients with coronary heart diseaseBarth et al.2011-01-11 07:34
Physician advice for smoking cessationStead et al.2011-01-11 07:34
WITHDRAWN: Interventions for preventing tobacco smoking in public placesSerra et al.2011-01-03 11:50
Competitions and incentives for smoking cessationCahill and Perera2011-02-12 15:42
Printed educational materials: effects on professional practice and health care outcomesFarmer et al.2011-01-11 07:33
Policy interventions implemented through sporting organisations for promoting healthy behaviour changePriest et al.2011-02-12 15:42
Family and carer smoking control programmes for reducing children's exposure to environmental tobacco smokePriest et al.2011-01-11 07:33
Exercise interventions for smoking cessationUssher et al.2011-02-12 15:42
Workplace interventions for smoking cessationCahill et al.2011-02-12 15:44
Quit and Win contests for smoking cessationCahill and Perera2011-02-12 15:42
Systemic corticosteroids for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseWalters et al.2011-02-12 15:42
Individual patient education for people with type 2 diabetes mellitusDuke et al.2011-01-11 07:34
Interventions for preventing weight gain after smoking cessationParsons et al.2011-02-12 15:42
Healthcare financing systems for increasing the use of tobacco dependence treatmentReda et al.2011-02-12 15:44

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