
lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

En este día...


March 21

On March 21, 1965, more than 3,000 civil rights demonstrators led by the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. began their march from Selma to Montgomery, Ala.
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On March 21, 1867, Florenz Ziegfeld, the theater producer who became known for glorifying American women, was born. Following his death on July 22, 1932, his obituary appeared in The Times.

On This Date

1685Composer Johann Sebastian Bach was born in Eisenach, Germany.
1790Thomas Jefferson took office as America's first secretary of state.
1804The French civil code, the Code Napoleon, was adopted.
1918Germany launched the Somme offensive during World War I, hoping to break through the Allied line before American reinforcements could arrive.
1945Allied bombers began four days of raids over Germany during World War II.
1946The United Nations set up temporary headquarters at Hunter College in New York City.
1960Police fired on black demonstrators in Sharpeville, South Africa, killing some 70 people.
1963Alcatraz prison in San Francisco Bay was emptied of its last inmates.
1985Police in Langa, South Africa, opened fire on blacks marching to mark the 25th anniversary of the Sharpeville shootings, killing at least 21 demonstrators.
1987Irish rockers U2 released "The Joshua Tree" album.
2000A divided Supreme Court ruled the government lacked authority to regulate tobacco as an addictive drug.
2005Armed with a new law rushed through Congress and signed by President George W. Bush, the attorney for Terri Schiavo's parents pleaded with a judge to order the brain-damaged woman's feeding tube re-inserted. (The judge later refused.)

Current Birthdays

Adrian Peterson, Football player
Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson turns 26 years old today.
AP Photo/Jeff Roberson
Matthew Broderick, Actor
Actor Matthew Broderick turns 49 years old today.
AP Photo/Evan Agostini
1946Timothy Dalton, Actor, turns 65
1949Eddie Money, Rock singer, turns 62
1950Roger Hodgson, Rock musician (Supertramp), turns 61
1958Sabrina LeBeauf, Actress ("The Cosby Show"), turns 53
1958Gary Oldman, Actor, turns 53
1962Rosie O'Donnell, Actress, comedian, turns 49
1980Ronaldinho, Soccer player, turns 31

Historic Birthdays

70Nicholas of Flue, Saint 3/21/1417 - 3/21/1487
Swiss hermit and folk hero
65Johann S. Bach 3/21/1685 - 7/28/1750
German composer of the Baroque era
66Benito Juarez 3/21/1806 - 7/18/1872
Mexican national hero and president (1861-72)
85Alice Henry 3/21/1857 - 2/14/1943
Australian journalist; promoted women's suffrage and social reform
86Maurice Farman 3/21/1877 - 2/25/1964
French aircraft designer and manufacturer
90John Walter Tewksbury 3/21/1878 - 4/24/1968
American sprinter; Olympic gold medalist
59Jock Sutherland 3/21/1889 - 4/11/1948
Scottish-born American collegiate and professional football coach
72Phyllis McGinley 3/21/1905 - 2/22/1978
American poet, writer and author of juvenile books
72John D. III Rockefeller 3/21/1906 - 7/10/1978
American philanthropist
75Nizar Qabbani 3/21/1923 - 4/30/1998
Syrian diplomat and poet

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