
martes, 1 de marzo de 2011

En este día...


March 1

On March 1, 1932, the infant son of Charles and Anne Lindbergh was kidnapped from the family home near Hopewell, N.J.
On March 1, 1922, Yitzhak Rabin, the Israeli prime minister who worked for peace with Palestinian and Arab neighbors, was born. Following his death on Nov. 4, 1995, his obituary appeared in The Times.

On This Date

1781The Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation.
1790Congress authorized the first U.S. census.
1845President John Tyler signed a congressional resolution to annex the Republic of Texas.
1867Nebraska became the 37th state.
1872Congress authorized creation of Yellowstone National Park.
1922Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was born in Jerusalem.
1940The novel "Native Son" by Richard Wright was published.
1954Puerto Rican nationalists opened fire from the gallery of the U.S. House of Representatives, wounding five congressmen.
1961President John F. Kennedy established the Peace Corps.
1968Country musicians Johnny Cash and June Carter were married.
1974Former Nixon White House aides H.R. Haldeman and John D. Ehrlichman and former Attorney General John Mitchell were indicted on obstruction of justice charges related to the Watergate break-in.
1981Irish Republican Army member Bobby Sands began a hunger strike at the Maze Prison in Northern Ireland. (He died 65 days later.)
1990The Seabrook, N.H., nuclear power plant won federal permission to go on line after two decades of protests and legal struggles.
2003Suspected Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was captured by CIA and Pakistani agents near Islamabad.
2005Dennis Rader, the churchgoing family man accused of leading a double life as the BTK serial killer, was charged in Wichita, Kan., with 10 counts of first-degree murder. (Rader later pleaded guilty and received multiple life sentences.)
2005A closely divided Supreme Court outlawed the death penalty for juvenile criminals.

Current Birthdays

Harry Belafonte, Singer
Singer Harry Belafonte turns 84 years old today.
AP Photo/Charles Sykes
George Eads, Actor (“CSI”)
Actor George Eads ("CSI") turns 44 years old today.
AP Photo/Dan Steinberg
1926Robert Clary, Actor ("Hogan's Heroes"), turns 85
1927Robert H. Bork, Former U.S. solicitor general, turns 84
1935Robert Conrad, Actor, turns 76
1944John Breaux, Former U.S. senator, D-La., turns 67
1944Roger Daltrey, Rock singer (The Who), turns 67
1945Dirk Benedict, Actor, turns 66
1947Alan Thicke, Actor ("Growing Pains"), turns 64
1954Catherine Bach, Actress ("The Dukes of Hazzard"), turns 57
1954Ron Howard, Actor, director, turns 57
1956Tim Daly, Actor ("Wings"), turns 55
1963Ron Francis, Hockey Hall of Famer, turns 48
1966John David Cullum, Actor, turns 45
1969Javier Bardem, Actor ("No Country for Old Men"), turns 42
1973Chris Webber, Basketball player, turns 38

Historic Birthdays

70Antoninus 3/1/1389 - 5/2/1459
Italian Archbishop of Florence
52Simon Foucher 3/1/1644 - 4/27/1696
French ecclesiastic philosopher
78William Maxwell Cushing 3/1/1732 - 9/13/1810
American jurist - first Supreme Court appointee
39Frederic Chopin 3/1/1810 - 10/17/1849
Polish/French composer and pianist
59Augustus Saint-Gaudens 3/1/1848 - 8/3/1907
American sculptor
51Lytton Strachey 3/1/1880 - 1/21/1932
English biographer and critic
40Glenn Miller 3/1/1904 - 12/16/1944
American composer and band leader
73David Niven 3/1/1910 - 7/29/1983
English stage and screen actor
60Robert Lowell 3/1/1917 - 9/12/1977
American poet
70William Maxwell Gaines 3/1/1922 - 6/3/1992
American publisher of Mad magazine
69Donald "Deke" Slayton 3/1/1924 - 6/13/1993
American astronaut
70Pete Rozelle 3/1/1926 - 12/6/1996
American National Football League Commissioner

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