
sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011

El Víctor Ravens Diario

La edición de hoy

Sábado, Mar. 19, 2011
El Victor Ravens Diario
 compartido por Victor Ravens + 1158 usuarios seguidos en Twitter
seattlemamadoc.seattlechildrens.org - There is a lot of talk about radiation and radiation effects because of the ongoing tragedy in Japan. It’s a bit overwhelming and confusing, to say the least. Ultimately fear motivates us to act in...

emergency.cdc.gov - Purpose This fact sheet from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) gives you some basic information about Radiation and Potassium Iodide (KI). It explains what you should think about...

newscientist.com - Step far enough back from the tree of life and it begins to look quite simple. At its heart are just three stout branches, representing the three domains of life: bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes. ...

latimes.com - First a massive earthquake and a devastating tsunami. Now a battle with an out-of-control nuclear reactor facility. How much can one people take? Though there's obviously a limit to what anyone can...

latimes.com - Just imagine a supermoon's effects on the body. Really. Just imagine. (Robert Durell / Los Angeles Times) By Tami Dennis, Tribune Health March 18, 2011, 5:30 p.m. If a full moon affects the human b...


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