
viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

El tabaco es perjudicial para el feto... incluso si la embarazada no fuma

medpagetoday.com - Women who start their day with a cup of coffee may be protecting themselves from stroke, according to a Swedish prospective cohort study.Among 34,670 women, those who reported drinking at least one...

medpagetoday.com - WASHINGTON -- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has estimated that in 2012 Medicare physician reimbursement will be cut by 29.5%. When President Obama signed a bill in 2010 to po...

goerie.com - Products produced/services provided: Total health care for a lifetime and Medical Associates of Erie. The phrase and the organization go hand in glove. Medical Associates of Erie (MAE) is a wholly ...

pulsus.com - Emergency treatment of anaphylaxis in infants and childrenA Cheng, Canadian Paediatric Society, Acute Care Committee Anaphylaxis is a severe, acute and potentially life-threatening condition, often...

arboldenoticias.com - El día a día de una persona que padece una E.R. es, en muchas ocasiones, muy complicado debido a las dificultades a las que se tiene que enfrentar.• Desconocimiento del origen de la enfermedad, des...

pediatriabasadaenpruebas.com - Completando el título: ... si la embarazada no fuma, pero está expuesta al humo del tabaco de otros. A esta noticia hemos llegado vía la cuenta en Twitter del blog "Pediátrica". En "Pediatrics" se ...


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