
viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

Apple obesity heart risk theory goes pear

reuters.com - By Kate Kelland LONDON | Thu Mar 10, 2011 7:04pm EST LONDON (Reuters) - New research is challenging previous medical notions that "apple-shaped" people with more fat around their waist are at highe...

bbc.co.uk - 10 March 2011 Last updated at 23:48 ET Health Secretary Andrew Lansley has asked the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority to assess a controversial new fertility treatment. The "three-paren...

symposier.com - Uploaded and shared in Youtube by: UMMCVideos — There have been many advances in kidney transplantation that have opened the door for more people with kidney failure to have a lifesaving transplant...

symposier.com - Uploaded and shared in Youtube by: UMMCVideos — There have been many advances in kidney transplantation that have opened the door for more people with kidney failure to have a lifesaving transplant...

highlighthealth.com - Vitamin D is, at this point, probably one of the trendiest vitamins around. Everyone suddenly seems to be getting their vitamin D level tested (specifically vitamin D3 or 25(OH)D, also called calci...


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