
viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011

Up Front: E-Book Best Sellers

Up Front: E-Book Best Sellers

This week we introduce our revamped best-seller lists, the result of many months of planning, research and design.
Illustration by Christoph Niemann
There are two entirely new lists in our print edition. One consists of rankings (fiction and nonfiction) that combine print and e-book sales; the other is limited exclusively to e-book sales (fiction and nonfiction). All the other lists, though presented in reworked formats, will be familiar to readers. There is one additional change, however: beginning this week the children’s best-seller lists, which had appeared in print once a month, will be published each week. Readers will find the Book Review’s related columns — TBR: Inside the List, Editors’ Choice and Paperback Row, all written by Book Review editors ­— in their accustomed places. On the Web, a third new list will track combined print sales (hardcover and paperback) in fiction andnonfiction. Extended rankings, a full methodology and a list archive are also available online.
As before, The Times’s News Surveys department, which directs the paper’s polling operations, including its political and election polls, will collect and analyze the data reflected in each list.

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