
miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2011

En este día....


February 2

On Feb. 2, 1943, the remainder of Nazi forces from the Battle of Stalingrad surrendered in a major victory for the Soviets in World War II.
On Feb. 2, 1882, James Joyce, the Irish author of "Ulysses", was born. Following his death on Jan. 13 , 1941, his obituary appeared in The Times.

On This Date

1536The Argentine city of Buenos Aires was founded.
1653New Amsterdam - now New York City - was incorporated.
1848The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed, ending the Mexican War.
1876The National League of Professional Base Ball Clubs was formed in New York.
1882Novelist James Joyce was born near Dublin.
1971Idi Amin assumed power in Uganda following a coup.
1979Punk rock musician Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols died of a drug overdose at age 21.
1990South African President F.W. de Klerk lifted a ban on the African National Congress and promised to free Nelson Mandela.
2007The world's leading climate scientists said global warming has begun, is "very likely" caused by humans and will be unstoppable for centuries.
2008French President Nicolas Sarkozy and former supermodel Carla Bruni were married at the presidential Elysee Palace.
2009Hillary Rodham Clinton was sworn in as U.S. secretary of state.

Current Birthdays

Shakira, Singer
Singer Shakira turns 34 years old today.
AP Photo/Peter Kramer
Jennifer Westfeldt, Actress
Actress Jennifer Westfeldt turns 41 years old today.
AP Photo/Chris Pizzello
1925Elaine Stritch, Actress, turns 86
1937Tom Smothers, Comedian, turns 74
1942Barry Diller, TV-film executive, turns 69
1942Graham Nash, Rock singer, musician (Crosby, Stills and Nash), turns 69
1949Ross Valory, Rock musician (Journey), turns 62
1952John Cornyn, U.S. senator, R-Texas, turns 59
1954Christie Brinkley, Model, turns 57
1955Kim Zimmer, Actress ("Guiding Light"), turns 56
1973Marissa Jaret Winokur, Actress, turns 38

Historic Birthdays

43Lodovico Ferrari 2/2/1522 - 10/5/1565
Italian mathematician
37Nell Gwyn 2/2/1650 - 11/14/1687
English actress
84Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand 2/2/1754 - 5/17/1838
French statesman/diplomat
59Albert Sidney Johnston 2/2/1803 - 4/6/1862
American Confederate general in Civil War
80Havelock Ellis 2/2/1859 - 7/8/1939
English essayist/physician
86Fritz Kreisler 2/2/1875 - 1/29/1962
Austrian-born violinist
62Jean de Lattre de Tassigny 2/2/1889 - 1/11/1952
French army officer
88George Stanley Halas 2/2/1895 - 10/31/1983
American founder/owner of Chicago Bears
86Jascha Heifetz 2/2/1901 - 12/10/1987
Russian-born American violinist
77Ayn Rand 2/2/1905 - 3/6/1982
Russian-born American writer/philosopher
49Jussi Bjorling 2/2/1911 - 9/9/1960
Swedish tenor
73James Dickey 2/2/1923 - 1/19/1997
American author

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