
martes, 25 de enero de 2011

Science Columns

Science Columns
Q & A

Caffeine Concerns

In very rare cases, overdoses of caffeine have been fatal. But it would be very hard to ingest enough ordinary coffee — at least 42 cups at a sitting — to kill yourself.

How to Tell Fossil’s Sex? Well, the Egg Is a Clue

The fossil of a species of flying reptile that coexisted with dinosaurs is the first female of its kind to be associated with an egg.
The decorated nest of an 11-year-old black kite.

Feathering Their Nests In Plastic to Get Ahead

Using white plastic to decorate the nest is a black kite’s signal of toughness, researchers say — those that use it the most are better fighters and produce more offspring.
D. discoideum fruiting bodies containing spores and bacteria.

Crops of Bacteria, Farmed by Amoebas

Researchers at Rice University say that agricultural tendencies occur in about a third of Dictyostelium discoideum amoebas.
Health Columns

A Young Life Passes, and a Ritual of Birth Begins

By circumcising an infant according to Jewish tradition moments after his death, a doctor who also is a mohel provided a moment of normality to a family confronting immense loss.

Long and Short of Calcium and Vitamin D

New daily recommendations have many people wondering if they’re getting enough or too much in their diets and supplements.

The Claim: Chia Seeds Can Help You Lose Weight.

Diet books and fitness gurus have been promoting the plant’s seeds as an appetite suppressant, with little evidence to back the claim.

NASA's Hansen Presses Obama for a Carbon Cost and Nuclear Push

A veteran climate scientist who, as a grandfather, has become a climate campaigner, presses the president to abandon special interests.

Numberplay | Crawling Ants

A suite of insight puzzles involving crawling ants.

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