
sábado, 15 de enero de 2011

Penguins Harmed by Tracking Bands, Study Finds

Benoit Gineste, CNRS / IPEV
King penguins with tags on their flippers had fewer chicks and a lower survival rate than penguins with microchips inserted under the skin.
Alice Whitelaw, co-founder of Working Dogs for Conservation, and Camas, a dog trained to sniff out the scat of target species.

Four-Legged Investigators Sniff Out Wildlife Data

With more and more scientists using canines as assistants, an effort finds temperature and precipitation matter.

Spider and Woolly Monkeys

Researchers watch a rare interspecies frolic among spider and woolly monkeys.

Agency Revokes Permit for Major Coal Mining Project

The Environmental Protection Agency said on Thursday that the mountaintop-removal project would have done unacceptable damage.

Heavy-Lift Rocket Behind Schedule

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration cannot develop a heavy-lift rocket by the end of 2016 within the budget provided, the space agency told Congress this week.

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