
viernes, 21 de enero de 2011

En este día...

On This Day in HistoryFriday, January 21st
The 021st day of 2011.
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Today's Highlights in History
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On Jan. 21, 1924, Russian revolutionary Vladimir Ilyich Lenin died at age 54. (Go to article.)On Jan. 21 , 1905Christian Dior ,French fashion designer and creator of the ''New Look'' in 1947 , was born. Following his death on Oct. 241957, his obituary appeared in The Times. (Go to obit. | Other Birthdays)
Editorial Cartoon of the Day

On January 21, 1865Harper's Weekly featured a cartoon about public safety. (See the cartoon and read an explanation.)

On this date in:
1793France's King Louis XVI, condemned for treason, was executed on the guillotine.
1861Five Southerners resigned from the U.S. Senate, including Jefferson Davis of Mississippi, the future president of the Confederacy.
1915The first Kiwanis Club was founded, in Detroit.
1950A federal jury in New York City found former State Department official Alger Hiss guilty of perjury.
1954The first atomic submarine, the USS Nautilus, was launched at Groton, Conn.
1976The supersonic Concorde jet was put into service by Britain and France.
1977President Jimmy Carter pardoned almost all Vietnam War draft evaders.
1994A jury in Manassas, Va., acquitted Lorena Bobbitt by reason of temporary insanity of maliciously wounding her husband, John, whom she'd accused of sexually assaulting her.
1997Speaker Newt Gingrich was fined as the House voted for first time in history to discipline its leader for ethical misconduct.
1998Pope John Paul II began his first visit to Cuba.
2003The Census Bureau announced that Hispanics had surpassed blacks as America's largest minority group.
2004The recording industry sued 532 computer users it said were illegally distributing songs over the Internet.
2010A bitterly divided U.S. Supreme Court, in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, vastly increased the power of big business and labor unions to influence government decisions by freeing them to spend their millions directly to sway elections for president and Congress.
2010Former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards finally admitted fathering a child during an affair before his second White House bid.

Current Birthdays
Eric Holder turns 60 years old today.

AP Photo/Ed Andrieski Attorney General Eric Holder turns 60 years old today.

71Jack Nicklaus
70Placido Domingo
Opera singer
70Richie Havens
Folk singer, musician
69Mac Davis
64Jill Eikenberry
Actress ("L.A. Law")
61Billy Ocean
R&B singer
61Gary Locke
Secretary of commerce
55Robby Benson
Actor, director
55Geena Davis
48Hakeem Olajuwon
Basketball player
35Emma Bunton
Singer (Spice Girls)
Historic Birthdays
Christian Dior
1/21/1905 - 10/24/1957
French fashion designer 

(Go to obit.)

35George Gillespie
1/21/1613 - 12/17/1648
Scottish minister/polemical writer

51Ethan Allen
1/21/1738 - 2/12/1789
American soldier - frontiersman

55John Fitch
1/21/1743 - 7/2/1798
American steamboat builder

77John Fremont
1/21/1813 - 7/13/1890
Americium mapmaker/explorer

39Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
1/21/1824 - 5/10/1863
American Civil War general

71Sophia Jex-Blake
1/21/1840 - 1/7/1912
English physician

71John Browning
1/21/1855 - 11/26/1926
American weapons designer

98Maxime Weygand
1/21/1867 - 1/28/1965
Belgian-bn.French army officer

77Cristobal Balenciaga
1/21/1895 - 3/23/1972
Spanish dress designer

88Sir Charles Moses
1/21/1900 - 2/9/1988
English-bn. Australian broadcaster

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SOURCE: The Associated Press
Front Page Image Provided by UMI

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