
domingo, 16 de enero de 2011

Arte y cultura


Students at the school operated by a choreographer, Ronen Izhaki, who directs Ka'et, a troupe of five Orthodox men.

Whirling Along The Borders Of Israeli Life

Contemporary dance is providing a meeting ground between Israel's secular world of performance and its strict Orthodox religious groups.

Pushing Petals Up and Down Park Ave.

Will Ryman's "Roses," featuring fiberglass and steel flowers rising 25 feet above Park Avenue, will be unveiled on Jan. 25.

The Way to Carnegie Hall? Success

The pianist Jonathan Biss is making his Carnegie Hall debut.

Fashion & Style

Amy Chua, author of

Retreat of the 'Tiger Mother'

A memoir about strict Chinese parenting reads as criticism of Western practices, but the author, Amy Chua, says some readers are missing the point.


Shirley Caesar at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center on Thursday.

Improvising Concert Into Rousing Sermon

The gospel singer Shirley Caesar turns a concert into an inspiring sermon.
Tomasz Stanko Quartet Plus Chris Potter: Thomas Morgan, left, Mr. Stanko and Mr. Potter performed at the Jazz Standard on Thursday night.

Setting Leadership Aside For Collective Control

The Polish trumpeter Tomasz Stanko found a new dynamic with his quartet and Chris Potter at the Jazz Standard.

'Spider-Man' Producers Say Delay Is Justified

The producers of "Spider-Man" said the delay of the opening was justified by the complexity of the show

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