
jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010

Innovative information and communication systems for scientific libraries: 10 questions about practice and experience covering Web 2.0 to Emerging Technologies. An interview with Guus van den Brekel, information specialist for the medical library at Groningen University (Netherlands) by Bruno Bauer

Innovative information and communication systems for scientific libraries: 10 questions about practice and experience covering Web 2.0 to Emerging Technologies. An interview with Guus van den Brekel, information specialist for the medical library at Groningen University (Netherlands) by Bruno Bauer

van den Brekel, Guus and Bauer, Bruno Innovative information and communication systems for scientific libraries: 10 questions about practice and experience covering Web 2.0 to Emerging Technologies. An interview with Guus van den Brekel, information specialist for the medical library at Groningen University (Netherlands) by Bruno Bauer., 2010 UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished) [Other]
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Guus van den Brekel is information specialist and IT-Coordinator for the Central Medical Library at the University Medical Center Groningen (Netherlands). There he is responsible for innovation and for the development of new library services. The present interview informs about the meaning and benefit of Web 2.0 and Emerging technologies, about the advantage of Blogs and Twitter and the importance of mobile applications for libraries. Furthermore the interview deals with the future role of library.
Item Type:Other
Additional Information:The German version of this interview is online available: Van den Brekel G, Bauer B. Innovative Information- und Kommunikationswege an wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken: 10 Fragen über Anwendungen und Erfahrungen von Web 2.0 bis Emerging Technologies von Bruno Bauer an Guus van den Brekel, Informationsexperte an der Medizinischen Bibliothek der Universität Groningen. GMS Med Bib Inf. 2010;10(2):Doc20. http://www.egms.de/static/en/journals/mbi/2010-10/mbi000203.shtml http://www.egms.de/static/pdf/journals/mbi/2010-10/mbi000203.pdf
Keywords:Emerging Technologies, Web 2.0, Library 2.0, Blog, Twitter, mobile application, data linking, library, library staff, library management, future
Subjects:B. Information use and sociology of information. > BI. User interfaces, usability.
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ID Code:19265
Deposited By:Bauer, Bruno
Deposited On:02 Nov 2010 10:09
Last Modified:02 Nov 2010 10:09
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