
viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010

Also in the Book Review

Also in the Book Review

Hedy Lamarr, circa 1944.

Biographies of Hedy Lamarr

Stephen Michael Shearer and Ruth Barton argue that Hedy Lamarr was more interesting than her lackluster place in film history would suggest.
Adélie penguins struggle to save eggs submerged by snowmelt.

'Fraser's Penguins'

An account of an Antarctic penguin colony, and how climate change is destroying it.
Christopher Isherwood in 1962.

'The Sixties: Diaries, Volume Two: 1960-1969'

The dominant theme of Christopher Isherwood's diaries from the 1960s is his relationship with a much younger man.
Jim Carroll

'The Petting Zoo'

Jim Carroll's posthumous novel of the 1980s New York art scene suggests a poet's shift to prose, in passionate, often elegiac, quasi autobiography.

'The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires'

Tim Wu's ambitious history of modern communications posits that information technologies move through a cycle from open to closed systems.

'Tories: Fighting for the King in America's First Civil War'

A Revolutionary War history emphasizes the strangely neglected topic of the Americans who opposed the Revolutionary War.

'Sunset Park'

In this tale of an Ivy League dropout and his underage girlfriend, Paul Auster's goal seems to be a conventionally satisfying novel that bucks many conventions of fiction.


Simon Winchester tells the story of the Atlantic Ocean.

'Why The West Rules - For Now'

A Stanford historian views the clash between East and West from a long perspective, and argues that we face an immediate choice - East-West cooperation or catastrophe.
Jim Thorpe at the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm.

'Native American Son: The Life and Sporting Legend of Jim Thorpe'

A diligently researched, blow-by-blow chronicle of the athlete Jim Thorpe's life of high triumph and bitter despair.
Louisa May Alcott

Books About Louisa May Alcott

Susan Cheever and Richard Francis examine the lives of Louisa May Alcott and her (at times) eccentric family.

'Pirates of Barbary'

A history of the Barbary pirates who menaced the Mediterranean for three centuries.

'Under Fishbone Clouds'

In Sam Meekings's fable-like first novel, a couple's devotion is tested during Mao's Cultural Revolution and beyond.

Fiction Chronicle

Novels by Douglas Coupland, Ron Cooper, Eric Gansworth, Robert Steiner and Benjamin Percy.

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