
jueves, 12 de mayo de 2016

Medicación preanestésica / Anesthetic premedication Victor Whizar-Lugo Para bibliomanazteca@yahoo.com.mx abr 8 a las 9:11 A.M. Abril 8, 2016. No. 2290 Estimad@ Dr@ Víctor Valdés: Premedicación anestésica. Nuevos horizontes de una vieja práctica Anesthetic premedication: new horizons of an old practice. Sheen MJ, Chang FL, Ho ST. Acta Anaesthesiol Taiwan. 2014 Sep;52(3):134-42. doi: 10.1016/j.aat.2014.08.001. Epub 2014 Oct 7. Abstract The practice of anesthetic premedication embarked upon soon after ether and chloroform were introduced as general anesthetics in the middle of the 19(th) century. By applying opioids and anticholinergics before surgery, the surgical patients could achieve a less anxious state, and more importantly, they would acquire a smoother course during the tedious and dangerous induction stage. Premedication with opioids and anticholinergics was not a routine practice in the 20(th) century when intravenous anesthetics were primarily used as induction agents that significantly shorten the induction time. The current practice of anesthetic premedication has evolved into a generalized scheme that incorporates several aspects of patient care: decreasing preoperative anxiety, dampening intraoperative noxious stimulus and its associated neuroendocrinological changes, and minimizing postoperative adverse effects of anesthesia and surgery. Rational use of premedication in modern anesthesia practice should be justified by individual needs, the types of surgery, and the anesthetic agents and techniques used. In this article, we will provide our readers with updated information about premedication of surgical patients with a focus on the recent application of second generation serotonin type 3 antagonist, antidepressants, and anticonvulsants. KEYWORDS: anticonvulsants; antidepressive agents; antiemetics; benzodiazepines; clonidine; dexmedetomidine; midazolam; neurokinin 1 receptor antagonists; premedication; serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonists PDF CEEA Veracruz Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Find us on Google+ View our videos on YouTube Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor 52 664 6848905 vwhizar@anestesia-dolor.org anestesia-dolor.org

Abril 8, 2016. No. 2290 Premedicación anestésica. Nuevos horizontes de una vieja práctica Anesthetic ...